Saitec’s payroll system chiefly understands the employees at a particular point of time; it helps determine the employee’s salary or hourly labor wage. Our payroll systems calculate the net pay of the employee for a given pay period, after all deductions and benefits provided to the employees. Saitec Payroll systems can automatically cut checks to employees or have their pay automatically deposited into their bank account.
Personnel Systems
Our Personnel systems, on the other hand, look at employees over period, from the time they are hired until they retire or leave the company for other reasons. Personnel systems keep records of employee’s personal performance reviews, pay raises, how their pay compares with other employees with similar pay grade, and whether they are taking advantage of company savings and retirement programs.
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John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget risus porta, tincidunt turpis at.
Jane Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget risus porta, tincidunt turpis at.